Frank's Calendar

Monday, October 15, 2012

ITEC 2012

Today we had almost 100% of our staff at the Iowa Technology Conference in Des Moines! ITEC is one of those inspiring and idea filled conferences that I have attended for many years. But, to have a Mid-Prairie person there each time you turned around was pretty cool! I hope people experienced new understandings and we have a chance to share those with one another.

We did have two presenters from our midst today... Amber Bridge led a workshop called, "From Pilot to Flipcon12" about her journey flipping her 8th grade science classroom.  She shared her findings comparing a pilot group and a test group, the tools she used and her vision for the future of her flipped science classroom.

I, Beth Swantz, also presented. My talk was, "Technology Mentorship."  It was was a crowd sourcing workshop where we spent time creating a document sharing our common knowledge and helping one another.  It was incredibly cool to see the document grow as the workshop progressed!  Check it out here: iTech Mentoring.  You can copy this URL and add it to your google docs to gain info - or even better yet  - add your ideas to the doc.  The power of mentoring to me is realizing that we all have so much to offer to one another!

Amber and I created a website that includes both of our presentations and other supporting details.  Check it out MP TECH TALKS.

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