Frank's Calendar

Monday, January 7, 2013

Frank's Fantastic Find

Today's Fantastic Find is on Vocaroo is a website which allows students to record simple audio projects and share via the internet.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Last night I was roaming around the web - and started following a twitter chat on educational coaching. The topic for the night was "edulutions" - resolutions you make for your educational position. This is the archive of the chat.

It got me thinking.

I also read that 45% of all Americans make New Year's Resolutions and 45% of those resolutions last beyond the sixth month.

That got me thinking too. I know a lot of thinking for the night before school starts.

My edulution is to stop and to listen.  I have a tendancy to rush ahead and assume things.
I want to change that and listen first.

When I was a student teacher I worked with an amazing teacher who shared a story that has never left me. One morning when she was teaching 5th grade she was standing in the hall outside the classroom door talking to a staff member before school. A little boy came up to her and interrupted the conversation to share something that had happened that morning. She glanced at the boy, nodded her head and said something like - "That's nice," but her mind was on the conversation with her collegue.  His mouth dropped open, his shoulders drooped and he walked away. And then it soaked in what he had told her - his dog had been hit by a car that morning.
That was the moment that she vowed to listen first.
And it transformed her  - way beyond impacted her entire life.

I try to listen - but this year it is my real focus!

And what would your edulution be???

I'd love to have comments from you about your edulutions.