Frank's Calendar

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Just the facts, ma'am

Does the title take you back to old TV show?
If it doesn't - you are clearly younger than I am...I know most of you are, but that's ok.  

This is the perfect beginning to a new blog...what exactly are the facts?

  • Mid-Prairie is a school district of about 1200 nestled amid farms in south east Iowa.
  • The district consists of 5 buildings spread across three towns - three elementary buildings, a middle school and high school
  • Mid-Prairie is ready to make some 21st century changes!!
Can you give me a woot!  woot!
 - now back to my list
  • We have two Learning Design Coaches in our district
    • these are new positions and not everyone is certain what the title actually entails
And that is where the facts end.

Or where they begin.

This blog is meant to document the progress of a district embarking on a 21st Century journey.

Now, before people become concerned...this is not actually tythe beginning.  Rather we are jumping onto a ship already in progress.  I will say that progress has not always been in the straightest line, though.  And these two new positions are to help guide the path.

That is where this blog comes in...

As an educator for my entire adult life I am TERRIBLE at documenting things.  I spend way too much time trying to remember how something worked or where I filed it or any other of a thousand details.  This blog is to help me/us keep track of all that. 

You see, I am one of those Learning Design Coaches.  And in black and white I want to commit to documenting what our first year looks like.

I know this was probably more than just the facts.  

But - after all according to wikipedia - Joe Friday never even said that on Dragnet!!!

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